Advance Time on 2nd March

NIFS会員の皆様へ こんにちは
Advance timeについて、ご案内をします。
内容は、働く女性、特に、赤ちゃんを育てながら働く女性に焦点を当てたテーマ『Wasted Resources – Female Labor Force』です。下記が、パワーポイントによるプレゼンの英文骨子です。
English ExpressのBusiness Eyeです。
Let’s think and discuss about “Wasted Resources – Female Labor Force”
Recently Japan society is aging dramatically.27 percent of the population is 65 or older. In less than 50 years, the working
population could shrink by nearly half. This will have a harmful influence on Japanese economy in future.
Already, firms/companies complain of labor shortages. All this means that Japan could lose one percent point of GDP growth over next decades, according to IMF ( International Monetary Fund).
Some proposed solutions include worker robots, freer immigration system, but there is one underused resource right at home: women. Women in their prime(働き盛り) have actually flooded in workforce in Japan, but almost 32 percent of prime age female workers are part-time, while 5 percent of men. Why is this happening? Discrimination(差別)by society/companies is undoubtedly part of it.
Part of the
problem is Japan’s work culture, which is notoriously(悪名高く)punishing(過酷な), and long hour work.
Many women, who want to have children,  feel that they cannot participate in career truck work. Women seem to shoulder the burden of childcare, spending four hours at home per day in average, while men only 41 minutes.
This is unfair, but true. These force women to think change of full-time work to part-time job.
If you are mother with 1 and 2 year old babies, and want to continue the full-time job, how do you cope with the difficulties, or if you are husband of such career woman, how do
you support her and share household works and childcare.


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